Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Module 1 - It's a map - Internet mapping API's

Module Dates: Saturday 01/13/07- Sunday 01/21/07 -

Notes: I will be posting a lecture lecture to this module by Monday. Please check back and look for it.


  1. Explain what a map is
  2. Describe how technology has changed mapping
  3. Describe what a Geographic Information System consists of
  4. Explain the importance of the analytical capabilities of GIS
  5. Discuss how maps are used in different industries and applications
  6. Describe how maps (gis) can generate new understanding through exploration of spatial
  7. Discuss how the internet has changed mapping patterns
  8. List several common internet mapping sites
  9. Describe how to make a map
  10. Describe what is meant by spatial literacy
  11. Define API
  12. List 3 internet mapping API's


  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Map
  • Open Source
  • API
  • Geocode


  1. Chapter 1 in your text
  2. The Fourth R? Rethinking GIS Education - ESRI - ArcNew online Fall 2006
  3. Comparison of mapping API's on the internet - NOTE: Google's API now supports geocoding of addresses.
  4. Dr. Snow - Mapping Cholera Outbreak - one of the earliest cited uses of mapping to explore spatial patterns


One of the best advances in internet mapping technologies that I have seen is the ability for developers to 'code' against mapping engines like GoogleMaps and Yahoo!Maps and MapQuest. This is possible because Google and Yahoo! let developers access their mapping services through an API (Application Program Interface). It's an easy way to code maps into any website. There are some use restrictions but only after your site get's something like 50,000 hits a day. Most of us don't have to worry about that restriction.

A great site the I like is This site allows you to do just what it says - batch geocode addresses. There are several advantages to using this site rather than using ArcGIS or some other desktop GIS software.


  • Base data (street centerline) for the entire United States is accessable with no processing necessary on your part.
  • Creates a webpage that can be shared with anyone
  • Ability to export to .KML for display on Google Earth

Before you start, download and install Google Earth

Follow the directions to complete the active learning exercise.

  1. Download the file of FFA high school teachers in North Carolina.
  2. Go to - read about the site and explore it first
  3. Go to Step #2 on BatchGeocode and delete the sample data and copy/paste the data from the FFA high school teachers excel file into the box provided.
  4. Step #3 - Click Validate Source
  5. Step #4 - Make sure the fields are correct.
  6. Step #5 - Run the geocoder
  7. Step #6 - A new list is generated with latitude and longitude as fields. This could be then copied back into excel and added as point to a map in ArcGIS using the AddXY functionality.
  8. Utilize the Save Map to a Webpage functionality. Give it a Title and Description. Include the URL (web address) to your map as part of the document you are creating to submit for the module.
  9. Utilize the Download to Google Earth (KML) file functionality and save the KML file to your hard drive.
  10. Double click the KML file to open in Google Earth
  11. File ==> Save ==> Save Image to your computer and insert it into your document for this module.


  1. Disuss how the map on page 3 of the text illustrates the importance of making maps in the context of life and belief systems.
  2. How has technology changed mapping?
  3. How are maps used to kill?
  4. The Pentagon has a policy that prohibits the use of maps made by foreign nations. What are the implications of this?
  5. Give an example of how maps lead us to knew ways of thinking.
  6. How do maps handle such a big and complex world/earth?
  7. Give and example of how maps can show us 'the invisible'.
  8. How has the internet changed mapping? What is your favorite interet mapping site?
  9. What is a map?


The Gerb said...

Is anyone else having trouble importing the google map image into the google document? I did the "Save As Image" which saved it as a jpeg (only choice). In the document, I hit the add image button which only imports jpeg images. It easily saw my jpeg. But when it came to importing it, it says it is an unrecognized file format?? I checked the file size requirements, etc... no idea. Im going to try a shorter file name, but after that Im stumped.

Pete Kennedy said...

hmmm... interesting Dave- Not sure what the deal with that is. I've found google docs is a little unstable and does wierd things.... so you are asking why are we using it? Because it's great technology and when they get the bugs worked out ... everyone will be using it. We are just ahead of the curve!

Give it some time and try again.

Are you using the 'Insert' tab? It looks like to me it supports .jpg,.gif and .png

The Gerb said...

Nope, wasnt asking why we are using it. Im the student, your the teacher. You say use it, Im using it :).
Odd though, I DID use the insert tab and it only allowed .jpg (which I had).
Weird... if you havent seen yet though, there aint no quit in me. I always find a way!

Ryan said...

Um, just wanted to say that i am also having trouble inserting the image into the map, it says its an invalid format, just curious to know if you figured a way thru yet.

Pete Kennedy said...


I don't get it! Dave had to link to the images elsewhere. Maybe we can talk on the phone about it. You can email me any maps til you figure it out!